How The Land Lies

Bianca Hisse and Laura Cemin

How the Land Lies is a performance for 5 bodies and 3 LED scrolling signs. These LEDs, usually encountered in public spaces as low-key advertisement signs, become tools to address the politics of language. Navigating between tourism slogans and visa questionnaires the dancers, who themselves carry experiences of migration and displacement between countries; interact with the text scrolling on the LED panels. As the words move on the screens, the bodies equally move them. Borders slowly blur: who can stay and who must leave? Who is seen and who remains hidden? What is allowed and what is forbidden?

Past presentations:

Kiasma Theater, Helsinki

Aerowaves 2023 Spring Forward Festival, Dublin

Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, Tallinn

Choreography: Laura Cemin and Bianca Hisse
Music composition: Vera Vice
Light design & technical support: Sofia Ivarsson
Costume design: Kairi Mändla
Producer: Evelyn Raudsepp
Production assistance: Aija Hannula
Coproduction: Kiasma Theater (FI), Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (EST), Black Box Theater (NO)

Supported by: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, City of Helsinki, Culture Moves Europe, Davvi – Senter for scenekunst, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Frame Finland, Kulturdirektoratet, HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme, Narva Art Residency, Nordic Culture Point, Norsk-Finsk Kulturfond, Norske Billedkunstnere, Office for Contemporary Art Norway, PAHN Norway, TelepART

Link to website & upcoming tours: