Soft Play

Bianca Hisse & Shahrzad Malekian

A group of performers drag, carry, and support each other through the city. Almost like a slow painting in motion, their movements appear and disappear among the passersby, merging a long-lasting choreographic composition with the architectural and social patterns of the city.

Soft Play is inspired by Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed, but also by a variety of other sources such as children's play, protests, political struggles and police control Soft Play explores the sculptural potential of the body and how power dynamics, dominance and verticality manifest in the social arena.

Vårscenefest, Tromsø Scenekunstfestival (April 2021)

Performers: Anne Katrine Haugen, Bianca Hisse, Eleni Ieremia, Espen Olaisen, Hedda Fossland, Maya Mi Samuelsen, Shahrzad Malekian, Vasil Gjuroski, Åshild Thinn
Facilitated by Artlab / RadArt

SUMO Festival & Galerie 35m2 Prague (September 2021)
Curated by Viktória Beličáková

Performers: Michaela Dašková, Darja Lukjanenko, Edita Antalova, Tereza Holubová, Eva Urbanová, Shira Roth, Petra Smutná
Photo credits: Petri Henriksson 
Supported by: Kulturdirektoratet, FFUK, Norske Billedkunstnere, Tromsø kommune.